Monday, May 5, 2008

Cultural Quiz 101

Situation 1

During a break at a roadside cafe during a long bus ride, a friendly older male passenger holds the door open for you, calling you my queen and offers to buy you a drink. Do you:

A. Snort in disgust at his sexism and walk off.
B. Insist on your buying him a drink instead (after all, you probably earn four times more than him).
C. Accept and thank him, but say that next time you meet (which you both know will probably be never), you will buy him a drink.

If you answered A, you're going to end up very irritated, very quickly, and possibly rather lonely, in Costa Rica. Try to accept the omnipresent chivalry with a sense of humor - you will get on a lot better, and probably meet a lot of interesting people along the way.
B would injure your friend's pride and embarrass him in front of anyone watching - a Costa Rican caballero. Never lets a lady buy him a drink, and definitely not a first drink.
C is ideal. Everyone is happy and now you can sit back for a chat.

A single humor post from Costa Rica real estate.

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