Monday, April 14, 2008

...and thou shalt know all these things

  1. Thou shall learn to love eating black beans and rice three times a day.
  2. Thou shall expect to hear mi amor (my love), mi vida (my life), mi corazón (my heart), and te quiero or tea mo (I love you) a lot. Don’t get freaked out – people use these terms a lot more glibly than they might where you are from.
  3. Thou shall do plenty of research before starting up any property or land investment in Costa Rica real estate.
  4. Thou shall buy fruit and vegetables at the local weekend feria rather than in the supermarket – much more fun!
  5. Thou shall shout “Upe” when arriving at someone’s house rather than knocking on the door.
  6. Thou shall not overstay your visa. You could be deported, and the Tico immigration police don’t seem to share the famed friendliness of the general public.
  7. Thou shall not be flashy and ostentatious – Ticos hate such behavior,and much prefer people who are humilde (humble).
  8. Thou shall not give alcohol as a gift when visiting a Tico’s home. A family member may be a recovering alcoholic, or the family may be teetotal.
  9. Thou shall not shout at people or employees, no matter how frustrated you are, and especially not in public. Ticos take offense easily, and this will cause you more trouble than what the momentary relief was worth.
  10. Thou shall not expect to get straight down to business. Personal contact is very important in Costa Rica-expect a fair amount of good-natured banter and chit-chat before the serious business begins.

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